Our Story

In the heart of the vibrant Red Fish Arts Studio lies a program that doesn't just teach welding; it ignites flames of potential, forging pathways to success beyond measure. It's a tale of empowerment, where the sparks of skill are intertwined with the threads of life readiness, weaving a tapestry of opportunity for every participant.As the torches blaze and metal melds, so do minds, as literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving become the fuel for growth.

But it's not just about mastering a craft; it's about kindling the fire of ambition and resilience within each individual.Within these walls, we don't just build things; we build relationships. Facilitators become mentors, participants become learners, and in the dance of collaboration, personal and professional bonds are forged. It's a symphony of support, where every note played resonates with the promise of personal development.

Nestled amidst the clinks and clatters of creation, the program serves as a beacon of hope for at-risk youth, aged 17 to 30. Here, they find not just a workshop, but a sanctuary—a place where dreams take shape and aspirations are realized.Since its inception in 2018, the program has been a testament to the transformative power of dedication and mentorship.

With each passing day, we witness the blossoming of potential, the unfolding of talent, and the remarkable journey of growth undertaken by every participant.In this story, the welding torch becomes a symbol of possibility, illuminating paths once obscured by doubt and uncertainty. Through the nurturing embrace of mentorship and hands-on training, our youth emerge not just as skilled craftsmen but as architects of their own destinies, ready to carve their mark upon the world. And so, within the walls of the Red Fish Arts Studio, a narrative of inspiration continues to unfold—a narrative of resilience, of growth, and of the unwavering belief that within every individual burns the flame of limitless potential, waiting only to be ignited.

Our Partners

Our Partners

Our Partners

We could not achieve our goal of creating a safe space for our students without the generous support of our partners. Here are some of our esteemed partners and technology collaborators.

Our Boardmembers

Our Boardmembers

Our Boardmembers

Our Boardmembers

Executive Director

Mark Slatter

Mark is a certified Red Seal Journey man welder who has been involved with the program since its inception. In 2021, he was hired as the full-time welding instructor and mentor. Mark has worked proudly with the students on several community arts projects, including the Cambridge Bay welcome sign. He measures his achievements by his students’ successes and continues to be a tireless advocate and mentor to youth in the community.

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Attima Hadlari

Attima plays many roles within his community and the Kitikmeot region. He has worked as an interpreter/translator in the legislative assembly sincethe 1970s and is the owner of Hadlari Consulting, offering Inuit cultural and language services and also serves as the Vice President of Wildlife for the Kitikmeot Inuit Association. He is a drum dancer and, notably, worked with elder Miriam Aglukkaq to produce a Natchilingmiutut dictionary that is now shared online.

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Deputy Chair

Dr. David Hik

Dr. David Hik has lived in Cambridge Bay since 2021, where he is the Chief Scientist with Polar Knowledge Canada. He has spent the past 40 years studying Arctic ecosystems, training students, leading research programs, and sharing information about the North with the public and policy makers.

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Melissa Lawson

Melissa has been a friend and dedicated advocate of the welding program since 2021. She comes with many years of experience in administration and executive management, and hopes to utilize her strengths to assist in furthering the program’s growth and sustainability.

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Dr. Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich

Dr. Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich is a lawyer and law professor who has taught and practiced law in Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta over her twenty year legal career and is now newly working in Nunavut.

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Dmitri Malakhov

Dmitri Malakhov has been an RCMP officer for 16 years. He has served in many of Nunavut’s communities, most recently as the Detachment Commander in Cambridge Bay. Dmitri takes great pride in working to nurture positive police-community relations based on trust, engagement, and respect. Dmitri believes the Society’s ambitious work will improve social, economic and mental health outcomes for youth in Cambridge Bay and beyond, and empower young people to take charge of their lives and transform their communities.

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Board member

Helen Navalik Blewett

Helen Navalik Blewett was born and raised in Cambridge Bay, NU. She works for the Kitikmeot Heritage Society as Manager of Language and Cultural Programs. Helen loves working with people especially the youth and elders and try’s to help to preserve the language and keep Inuit culture alive by sharing and providing programs for the community. Helen’s passion and dream is to see the community thrive in keeping the culture intact and language taught and hear the students speak more in the schools

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Redfish Arts Society Inc. was founded on the idea that youth can achieve great things and be inspired if they are given the opportunity and provided guidance and safe space to express themselves. We could not achieve this goal without the generous support of our educators, staff and those who volunteer their time and talents to working with youth. 

Redfish Arts Society Inc. was founded on the idea that youth can achieve great things and be inspired if they are given the opportunity and provided guidance and safe space to express themselves. We could not achieve this goal without the generous support of our educators, staff and those who volunteer their time and talents to working with youth. 

© 2023 Red Fish Arts Studio

© 2023 Red Fish Arts Studio